Obituaries » Kathleen (Kay) Walsh

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Kathleen (Kay) Walsh

March 13, 1923 - April 28, 2015

Burial Date April 28, 2015

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To the Walsh family,especially my childhood friend Patrick.I am so sorry for the loss of your Mom ( reading the obit I didn't realize you had also lost your Dad),I remember them both very fondly your Mom was a sweetheart and always the wonderful hostess.I can still remember her making the individual pizzas for us with white bread,sauce,and cheese,on top and then baking them.I can still see them at the kitchen table playing scrabble with that huge dictionary on the table,ready to defend the word and spelling of their choice.I also remember the movies your Dad would show on the back of the house and all the neighborhood kids would come to watch,and the blasting caps on the 4th of July placed in a 55 gal.drum on a piece of rail track,and dropping the huge hammer on them to explode them.Also the house he made out back for you out of the pigeon coop,and the many nights we slept in them.They were wonderful people and will always be in my heart and in my prayers.Again I am so sorry for your loss. Robert ( Bobby ) Thomas.

Posted by robertwthomasiii on May 6, 2015